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At Hebron we love and value our Young Adults and Students and are eager to see you grow closer to God. Whether you are single or married, working in a busy job or studying for Uni, we consider it a joy to have you as part of our church family.


We're excited to use this time in our lives to get to know each other more deeply and become more intentional in fellowship. Continue reading for ways to get plugged in! Contact us if you are interested in any of the following by filling in the form below.



Each Sunday of term time, members of our congregation will cook up a tasty meal to serve to the Students and Young Adults in the church after the morning service and all are welcome to stay for food and a chance to get to know folk from our church family.

Look out for one or two weeks when we move the lunch to homes instead - you'll need to sign up for lunch on those "Hosts at Home" weeks!


Each month we aim to have a couple of Young Adults and Students gatherings: one as a social and one as a more structured discussion or study. Keep a look out on the church calendar (below) and our social media for dates, and be sure to get your number added to the whatsapp group for all the important info.


Whilst we want to create an environment for you to find solid Christian friends in the same place of life as you, we also want to celebrate the fact that our church family is made up of multiple generations and backgrounds that we can all learn from. Let us know of your gifts and we can find a way to use them in serving Hebron as a whole.


If you’re new to Aberdeen, then welcome! We believe that you are not in this Granite City by accident or because you did well in your exams but because God has great plans for you and we can't wait to see how you grow in Him over the next 4/5 years. Although it's difficult when you're away from what's familiar to you, it's important to really throw yourself into what's going on and to make yourself known. 


“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel”
Philippians 1:27

 Upcoming Events 
YA & Students Lunch
A lovely meal cooked and served in the church by members of the congregation. All Young Adults & Students are welcome to stay around for it after the morning service - in return for some help with the washing up!
12:45pm Sunday 2 February, atrium
YA & Students Lunch
A lovely meal cooked and served in the church by members of the congregation. All Young Adults & Students are welcome to stay around for it after the morning service - in return for some help with the washing up!
12:45pm Sunday 16 February, atrium
YA & Students Lunch
A lovely meal cooked and served in the church by members of the congregation. All Young Adults & Students are welcome to stay around for it after the morning service - in return for some help with the washing up!
12:45pm Sunday 23 February, atrium




We know that it is not always easy to walk into a new church so if you'd like us to get in touch with you to help you find out more about our us, please fill in the New Student Form to tell us a little bit about yourself! If the New Student Form doesn't fit for you, you can follow us on social media (@hebronaberdeen on FB & IG) or you could sign up to our website to be added to the mailing list for Hebron News Updates
  New Student Form